We bring you latast news about MASSHA activities and education matters in Malawi. The South West Education Division (SWED) and the Malawi Secondary School Headteachers Association (MASSHA) joined hands to assist Makhanga Community Day Secondary School in Nsanje district by donating to the school assorted materials valued at K14 million. Click here to read the whole story      The South West Education Division (SWED) and the Malawi Secondary School Headteachers Association (MASSHA) joined hands to assist Makhanga Community Day Secondary School in Nsanje district by donating to the school assorted materials valued at K14 million. Click here to read the whole story     The South West Education Division (SWED) and the Malawi Secondary School Headteachers Association (MASSHA) joined hands to assist Makhanga Community Day Secondary School in Nsanje district by donating to the school assorted materials valued at K14 million. Click here to read the whole story    The South West Education Division (SWED) and the Malawi Secondary School Headteachers Association (MASSHA) joined hands to assist Makhanga Community Day Secondary School in Nsanje district by donating to the school assorted materials valued at K14 million. Click here to read the whole story    The South West Education Division (SWED) and the Malawi Secondary School Headteachers Association (MASSHA) joined hands to assist Makhanga Community Day Secondary School in Nsanje district by donating to the school assorted materials valued at K14 million. Click here to read the whole story    The South West Education Division (SWED) and the Malawi Secondary School Headteachers Association (MASSHA) joined hands to assist Makhanga Community Day Secondary School in Nsanje district by donating to the school assorted materials valued at K14 million. Click here to read the whole story    We bring you latast news about MASSHA activities and education matters in Malawi.


Malawi Secondary School Headteachers' Association also called MASSHA is an association of secondary school headteachers in Malawi formed after realizing the need for mutual cooperation among secondary schools and the various education stakeholders, and convinced that the institutions that Head teachers manage are in constant need of improvement for the good of our country and society in general.

Our Vision

To be a professional body of school leaders spearheading the provision of quality and relevant education.

Our Core Values

● Professionalism
● Integrity
● Inclusiveness
● Excellence
● Efficiency and effectiveness
● Collaboration
● Equity
● Transparency and accountability

Contact Us

C/O Ministry of Education
Private Bag 328
Tel 1: +265999922000
Tel 2: +265888922000
Tel 3: +265999379960





Our Mission

To provide comprehensive support to school leaders through collaboration, networking and participating in communities practicing locally and internationally in line with the 21st century approaches to education.

Our Motto

Professionalism is key to quality and relevant education