Who We Are

MASSHA is a professional body that brings together all head teachers of public secondary schools in Malawi. MASSHA was legally established having realized the need for mutual cooperation among secondary schools and various education stakeholders, and having been convinced that institutions are in constant need for improvement for the good of the country and society in general. MASSHA is aware of the vital and constructive role it has to play in the initiation, design and implementation of educational policies and programmes. As such, the Association is desirous to make an effective contribution towards enhanced effective school management, teacher professionalism and promotion of quality and relevant education. This is aimed at the realisation of the Ministry of Education’s vision, mission and mottop

MASSHA is empowered to collaborate and establish working partnerships and networks with Government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs); local and international development partners; like- minded Associations, well-meaning and constructive individuals and groups for improvement of quality life through the provision of quality and relevant education. The Association provides a platform for sharing experiences and best practices thereby build the needed capacity in school leaders. It also is geared towards enhancing co-ordination of collaborations and partnerships amongst school heads and stakeholders across various secondary education management.

Our Vision

To be a professional body of school leaders spearheading the provision of quality and relevant education.

Our Mission

To provide comprehensive support to school leaders through collaboration, networking and participating in communities of practice locally and internationally in line with the 21st century approaches to education.

Our Motto

Professionalism is key to quality and relevant education

Our Core Values

  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Inclusiveness
  • Excellence
  • Efficiency and effectiveness
  • Collaboration
  • Equity
  • Transparency and accountability

Our Objectives

  1. To promote the professional development of Head teachers.
  2. To participate in policy formulation at Departmental level securing positions in relevant committees
  3. Lobby for an observer status in the proceedings of the Parliamentary Committee on Education and other task groups.
  4. To affiliate to national, regional and international organizations, associations or other entities which have the same or similar objectives as MASSHA.
  5. To undertake educational research, publish journals and/or news sheets, and disseminate professional literature. To guide in the institutionalization of Students Councils and coordinate its functions and duties.
  6. To establish sound and co-operative liaison with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Teaching Service Commission (TSC), Malawi Institute of Education, Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM), National Library Services, Tertiary Institutions and registered NGOs in the promotion, development and implementation of any governmenteducational programme.

Composition of the National Executive Council

The MASSHA, National Executive Council is elected at the MASSHA Annual National Conference by delegates from the six education divisions in a democratic and transparent exercise presided over by the Ministry of Education’s Director for Secondary Education. To further the aims and objectives of MASSHA, the Association has structures in all the six education divisions namely:
•North Education Division (NED)
• Central East Education Division (CEED)
• Central West Education Division (CWED)
• South East Education Division (SEED)
• South West Education Division (SWED), and
• Shire Highlands Education Division (SHED).

MASSHA is also spread across the 34 education districts in Malawi.

The national executive council is comprised of the following:

  1. Massha President : Mr.Steve Kungula
  2. Massha Vice President : Madam Wezzie Kacheche Banda
  3. Massha Secretary General : Mr.Hartley Kalua
  4. Massha Vice Secretary : Madam Caroline Mbewe
  5. Massha Treasurer General : Madam Doreen Bandawe
  6. Massha Publicity Secretary : Mr.Boston Nkhoma
  7. Rource Mobilisation Coordinator : Mr. Alfred Magwaza
  8. Massha Programs Officer : Madam Catherine Gunde
  9. Massha Gender Coordinator : Madam Leah Zambasa